Pengaruh Kompetensi Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) Kelas IIA Pamekasan Dengan Komitmen Sebagai Variabel Intervening


  • Hendriyanto Hendriyanto Universitas Wijaya Putra
  • Wasis Budiarto Universitas Wijaya Putra
  • Chamariyah Chamariyah Universitas Wijaya Putra



Competence, Work Discipline, Commitment, Employee Performance


Hendriyanto, 2023. The Influence of Competence and Work Discipline on the Performance of Class IIA Pamekasan Penitentiary (LAPAS) Employees with Commitment as an Intervening Variable. Wijaya Putra University Postgraduate Program in Surabaya. This type of research is explanatory research, the approach used is a quantitative approach with a total sample of 60 employees. The purposes of this study are 1) To test and analyze whether competence has a significant effect on the performance of Class IIA Pamekasan Correctional Institution (LAPAS) employees 2) To test and analyze whether competence has a significant influence on the commitment of Class IIA Pamekasan Correctional Institution (LAPAS) employees. 3) To test and analyze whether work discipline has a significant influence on the commitment of Class IIA Pamekasan Penitentiary (LAPAS) employees. 4) To test and analyze whether work discipline has a significant influence on the performance of Class IIA Pamekasan Correctional Institution (LAPAS) employees. 5) To test and analyze whether employee commitment has a significant influence on the performance of Class IIA Pamekasan Correctional Institution (LAPAS) employees. 6) To test and analyze whether competence has a significant influence on the performance of Class IIA Pamekasan Correctional Institution (LAPAS) employees with commitment as an intervening variable. 7) To test and analyze whether work discipline has a significant effect on the performance of Class IIA Pamekasan Correctional Institution (LAPAS) employees with commitment as an intervening variable. The results showed that: 1) Competence has a significant positive effect on the performance of Class IIA Pamekasan Penitentiary (LAPAS) employees with an original sample value of 0.277. 2) Competence has a significant positive effect on commitment of Class IIA Pamekasan Penitentiary (LAPAS) employees with an original sample value of 0.475. 3) Work discipline has a significant positive effect on the commitment of Class IIA Pamekasan Penitentiary (LAPAS) employees with an original sample value of 0.357. 4) Work discipline has a significant positive effect on the performance of Class IIA Pamekasan Penitentiary (LAPAS) employees with an original sample value of 0.189. 5) Commitment has a significant positive effect on the performance of Class IIA Pamekasan Penitentiary (LAPAS) employees with an original sample value of 0.712. 6) Competence has a significant positive effect on the performance of Class IIA Pamekasan Penitentiary (LAPAS) employees with commitment as an intervening variable with an original sample value of 0.176. 7) Work discipline has a significant positive effect on the performance of Class IIA Pamekasan Penitentiary (LAPAS) employees with commitment as an intervening variable with an original sample value of 0.132.


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How to Cite

Hendriyanto Hendriyanto, Wasis Budiarto, & Chamariyah Chamariyah. (2023). Pengaruh Kompetensi Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) Kelas IIA Pamekasan Dengan Komitmen Sebagai Variabel Intervening. Journal of Management and Creative Business, 1(4), 96–118.