Pantun Sebagai Media Penyalur Ekspresi Jiwa Siswa Kelas 7 Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 3 Tugu Trenggalek


  • Fahrudin Fahrudin STKIP PGRI Trenggalek



Poetry, Creativity, Soul Expression


Pantun as a medium for expressing the soul in social life is part of Malay culture. We remember that the influence of Malay culture which gave birth to the unified Indonesian language unwittingly gave birth to the character of a nation. The Malay community, which is also included in it, is the forerunner of Indonesian society, making it a reflection of the community's culture. It is important to know that by writing or creating rhymes, memory can be truly extraordinary. Cipta pantun provides enthusiasm by expressing various ideas that are still hidden in students' minds. Students at a young age are expected to achieve as expected by the school.


Mulyadi, Yadi dkk.2016. Intisari Sastra Indonesia. Bandung: Yrama Widya.

Saputri, Noviani dkk. 2017. Hubungan pemahaman pantun dengan keterampilan menulis pantun siswa kelas VII SMP N 24 Padang.

Semi, M. Atar. 1988. Anatomi Sastra. Padang: Angkasa Raya

Sugiyono. (2009). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif Dan R&D. Alfabeta.

Suseno, Tusiran. 2010. Mari Berpantun. Depok: Yayasan Panggung Melayu.




How to Cite

Fahrudin Fahrudin. (2024). Pantun Sebagai Media Penyalur Ekspresi Jiwa Siswa Kelas 7 Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 3 Tugu Trenggalek. Dewantara : Jurnal Pendidikan Sosial Humaniora, 3(1), 165–171.